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Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost


September 8th, 2024



IN-PERSON AND ONLINE Join us online for worship (Click Here!)


  • Only two weeks left until we launch Alpha 2024!  St. Timothy’s is incredibly blessed to have a team of parishioners who are dedicating their time, energy and resources to prepare a dinner for our Alpha Course Guests EVERY Tuesday evening throughout the fall! Each Tuesday night at 6:30 pm, our guests will arrive for an evening of dining, video and conversation in a friendly, safe environment. Would you be willing to give a donation of $50 - $60 for one week of Alpha hospitality? To show our gratitude, your name or your family name will be announced at our Alpha session that night as well as in the E-blast.  
  • This Sunday is our Annual Blessing of the Backpacks! Students and teachers at all academic levels are invited to bring their backpacks to church and place them in front of the Altar before the service.  During the service, students and teachers will be invited to the front to receive a special blessing and a tag to put on their backpacks. This year, it is our great joy to also commission everyone (all our adults!) to a new ministry year.  The commissioning will be based on the following categories of work (check out your e-blast for more information!)
  • Thank you to all the people and teams who helped out with Fellowship over the past 3 months.  Well done!  We are pleased to welcome back Ouida & Sheila & their team of volunteers this “Back to Church Sunday”-The Wardens
  • This week marks the one year anniversary of Chizuloke Olisaekee’s death.  As the family gathers for a Memorial Service this Saturday, we invite your prayers for Gladys, Ikenna and the children as they continue to mourn and look for hope through God’s peace.    
  • The Monday Bible study group will reconvene on September 9th at 1:00 pm. We will be studying the 2nd half of the book of Acts. Please contact June Cooke for further information. Email:, Tel: 416-499-4410
  • Tuesday afternoon Bible study group will resume meeting in the Education Resource Room on Tuesday September 17th at 2:00 pm.  We will be studying the book “Overcoming the Enemy” by Charles F. Stanley.  Newcomers are welcome.  For information contact Anne or Paul Baillargeon at 416-283-5667.
  • MARK YOUR CALENDARS!  Seniors’ Event: Saturday, September 21, 10am -1pm. Fellowship/Entertaining tips on Downsizing/Decluttering. Featuring Sri Halim of Downsizing Divas.At this event a truck will be on site to collect your contributions of used clothing and household items for The Salvation Army Thrift shop.